Tag: Rick Snyder

Voters to Gov. Snyder: Keep your pandering tax breaks, they don’t even pay for the damage to my car from our roads

Voters to Gov. Snyder: Keep your pandering tax breaks, they don’t even pay for the damage to my car from our roads

What, do you think we’re STUPID? While Governor Snyder and his pals in the legislature ponder giving us all a tax credit that won’t even pay for a trip to the grocery store, Michigan voters have another idea: Fix the damn roads and fund our damn schools. While lawmakers in Lansing are debating the best way to provide tax relief […]

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Governor Rick Snyder has determined how much he’s willing to pay you for your vote: $75.

Governor Rick Snyder has determined how much he’s willing to pay you for your vote: $75.

Nothing crass or pandering about that… In typical Republican fashion, Gov. Snyder is proposing an election year tax cut that barely covers one trip to the grocery store. It appears that, after doing the math, he’s determined that he can buy your vote for $75. Roughly 1.3 million Michigan taxpayers could be in line for a rebate check averaging $75 […]

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Rick Snyder’s record: Michigan is 49th in job growth & has the 4th highest unemployment rate in the USA

Rick Snyder’s record: Michigan is 49th in job growth & has the 4th highest unemployment rate in the USA

49th in job growth, 4th highest unemployment rate We have one job over the next nine months. Repeat this message until it’s branded into the brains of every single Michigan voter: Michigan is 49th in projected job growth and has the 4th highest unemployment rate in the country. Please share this image widely Repeat after me: 49th in job growth, […]

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Rick Snyder ads on Eclectablog – enjoy the beautiful irony

Rick Snyder ads on Eclectablog – enjoy the beautiful irony

Bwaahahahaaa!!! Now that our governor has started his relentless positive rebranding tour, his ads are going to start showing up in your Facebook news feeds, on your Twitter apps, and, of course, on the websites you visit. That includes, hilariously enough, THIS website! Click for a larger version, screencap courtesy of Chad Cyrowski at Progress Michigan “But WAIT!”, you might […]

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Gov. Snyder’s Superbowl ad: perpetuating the myth that he’s made us the ‘comeback state’, facts be damned

Gov. Snyder’s Superbowl ad: perpetuating the myth that he’s made us the ‘comeback state’, facts be damned

“Comeback Kid”? How about “Kid Crock”? During the Superbowl tonight, viewers in Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Traverse City will see an ad that will launch the reelection campaign of Governor Rick Snyder. The ad is estimated to cost almost $1 million to produce and air. This is in addition to the nearly $700,000 he spent on a similar […]

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SnyderFails.org slams governor for dodging issues and lack of leadership in Super Bowl parody ad

SnyderFails.org slams governor for dodging issues and lack of leadership in Super Bowl parody ad

“I’m waiting for leadership from the legislature…” This Sunday, Rick Snyder begins his effort to convince Michigan voters that he’s something other than what he is with a nearly half million dollar Super Bowl ad just as he did in 2010. This will be followed by a rebranding tour, of sorts, that begins on Monday. The rebranding is sure to […]

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Rick Snyder to announce his candidacy Sunday,  roll out his rebranding tour next week. Here’s the schedule.

Rick Snyder to announce his candidacy Sunday, roll out his rebranding tour next week. Here’s the schedule.

Rebranding is something Republicans are not that good at. This Sunday, Rick Snyder will attempt to make lightning strike twice by running a high dollar, high profile commercial during the Super Bowl. When you have as much money as he does, you can afford to do things like that. He’ll be spending a whopping $400,000 for his SuperBowl ad. In […]

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Rick Snyder’s State of the State address: Takes all of the credit, none of the blame, & shows no leadership

Rick Snyder’s State of the State address: Takes all of the credit, none of the blame, & shows no leadership

Isn’t that convenient? After Rick Snyder finished his State of the State address last night, my wife Anne pointed out that, while his predecessor Jennifer Granholm used her State of the State addresses to highlight all of the things she and her fellow Democrats had actually DONE to make Michigan a better place, Rick Snyder mainly just rattled off a […]

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VIDEO: The REAL State of the State – Big Business benefits from billions in tax breaks at the expense of the middle class

VIDEO: The REAL State of the State – Big Business benefits from billions in tax breaks at the expense of the middle class

Get ready for a snow job Tonight Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to will give his final State of the State address of his first term in office. In it, we’re sure to hear many platitudes about his “relentless positive action” to create “more and better jobs” and ensure that Michigan remains “the Comeback State”. When it comes to marketing, our […]

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SCORECARD: Sierra Club Michigan gives Gov. Snyder failing grade on protecting our state’s environment

SCORECARD: Sierra Club Michigan gives Gov. Snyder failing grade on protecting our state’s environment

Rick Snyder the MINO: Moderate in Name Only Today, the Michigan Chapter of the Sierra Club released a scorecard rating Governor Rick Snyder on his record regarding energy, environment, good government and related issues. Spoiler alert: He failed. Miserably. He received a rating of 25%. The Scorecard includes 32 key decisions made by Gov. Snyder on environmental issues including 25 […]

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Michigan unemployment rate falls for the first time since May, still 2nd worst in the USA

Michigan unemployment rate falls for the first time since May, still 2nd worst in the USA

Comeback state? Ferreals? The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its November unemployment numbers and, for the first time since May, Michigan’s number went down. To 8.8%. Almost 2 points above the national average of 7.0%. Here’s how our numbers have tracked the national average since late 2010 (November data not included): You can play with this graph yourself HERE. The […]

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