Tag: Rick Snyder

Michigan Medicaid expansion takes a giant step forward with HHS approval

Michigan Medicaid expansion takes a giant step forward with HHS approval

Federal sign-off on the “Healthy Michigan” plan puts start date on target for April 1, 2014. It should have been sooner. It should have been easier. But Medicaid expansion is coming to Michigan. On Monday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approved Michigan’s waiver request to expand Medicaid to individuals at 133 percent of the federal poverty […]

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Rick Snyder’s “Said it, did it” mantra unravels as he signs expansion of dark money in Michigan elections into law

Rick Snyder’s “Said it, did it” mantra unravels as he signs expansion of dark money in Michigan elections into law

More like “Didn’t say it, did it anyway” or “Said it, did the opposite” Eclectameme by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog Discussing possible campaign slogans during his non-announcement of his candidacy last fall, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder said, “One that I really do appreciate, that I’ve used in my life is, ‘Said it. Did it.’”. In other words, according to […]

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Tea party PAC calls LGBT advocacy group Equality Michigan a “hate group” and homophobe Dave Agema “a prophet”

Tea party PAC calls LGBT advocacy group Equality Michigan a “hate group” and homophobe Dave Agema “a prophet”

Under fire and on the run You can always tell when you have the tea party backed into a corner. That’s when they bring out the Big Crazy guns with both barrels blazing. That happened this week when the tea party’s Madison Project Michigan PAC sent out an email from Jack Hoogendyk, a tea partier who primaried U.S. Representative Fred […]

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POLL: Michiganders largely oppose Right to Life “plan ahead for your abortion” proposal

POLL: Michiganders largely oppose Right to Life “plan ahead for your abortion” proposal

A new poll conducted on behalf of the ACLU of Michigan underscores the need to let voters decide on this reproductive health issue. Eclectagraphic by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog If Right to Life of Michigan and their supporters in the Michigan Legislature have their way, women could be hit with a new limit on their right to choose: […]

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Rick Snyder makes CREW’s “Worst Governors in America” list for second straight year

Rick Snyder makes CREW’s “Worst Governors in America” list for second straight year

Transparency, schpransparency… Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has released its “Worst Governors in America” list and, for the second year in a row, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is on it. This year he is cited for his lack of transparency, particularly with regard to his NERD slush fund, now disbanded, which paid for state employees from donations […]

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Michigan government investment experts now earn more money than the governor after 80+% pay raise – UPDATED

Michigan government investment experts now earn more money than the governor after 80+% pay raise – UPDATED

It’s a good gig if you can get it See updates below. The Snyder administration recently gave three of its investment experts massive pay raises, making them some of the highest paid members of his administration. One of them, chief investment officer, Jon Braeutigam, makes more than the Governor and the Lt. Governor combined! The State of Michigan quietly increased […]

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Iggy Pop pops Governor Rick Snyder on signing wolf hunt legislation

Iggy Pop pops Governor Rick Snyder on signing wolf hunt legislation

Go, Iggy!

After Michigan wolf hunt opponents gathered enough signatures earlier this year to put the issue on the 2014 ballot, Republicans, in their typical anti-democratic fashion, passed a law that would make the vote moot. The group Keep Michigan Wolves Protected is now embarked on a second petition drive that would overturn this law, as well. If they are successful, you could actually see TWO wolf hunt ballot referendums on your ballot next year.

Rock icon Iggy Pop has now gotten involved. Earlier this week, he sent Governor Rick Snyder a letter taking him to task for signing the bill that prevents Michigan residents from having a voice in the matter.

Read his letter after the jump.

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Progress Michigan launches “SnyderFails.org” website to reveal the truth about Rick Snyder’s record & politics

Progress Michigan launches “SnyderFails.org” website to reveal the truth about Rick Snyder’s record & politics

This is gonna be good Our pals at Progress Michigan have launched a new website called SnyderFails.org. The site will show the reality behind Rick Snyder’s failed policies as well as the reality behind his phony persona as a moderate nerd who’s just trying to do a “nerdy job”. The truth, as most of us know, is that Rick Snyder […]

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Michigan Democratic leaders urge Gov. Rick Snyder to veto the court-rigging SB 652

Michigan Democratic leaders urge Gov. Rick Snyder to veto the court-rigging SB 652

They know what democracy looks like. If Gov. Snyder signs this bill into law, it will prove once again that he doesn’t. [Caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog] The speed at which Republicans rammed through Senate Bill 652 is enough to give anyone legislative whiplash. And when bills are rushed through that quickly for no […]

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Michigan House passes GOP’s partisan, power-grabbing bill to move Court of Claims

Michigan House passes GOP’s partisan, power-grabbing bill to move Court of Claims

The Michigan GOP succeeds in rigging the court system to make sure Republican judges hear the cases they want to win. It’s a disgrace, a mockery of democracy and Michigan’s justice system — and a legislative maneuver that puts even more power in the hands of Republicans. On Wednesday afternoon, the Republican-led Michigan House voted 57-52 to pass Senate Bill […]

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ACTION: Don’t let the Michigan GOP rig the state Court of Claims

ACTION: Don’t let the Michigan GOP rig the state Court of Claims

Call your Representative today. Senate Bill 652 has already passed the Senate and could get a House vote on Wednesday. Michiganders know what happens when Michigan’s Republican legislators ram a bill through at lightening speed. It means citizens and the democratic process get railroaded by a bill that wouldn’t withstand the scrutiny of a thoughtful, measured debate. That’s exactly what […]

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