Tag: Rick Snyder

Is Rick Snyder hiding the fact that the DeVos family were major contributors to the NERD Fund?

Is Rick Snyder hiding the fact that the DeVos family were major contributors to the NERD Fund?

We don’t blame you, Governor. We’d hide that, too. [Caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog] With the announcement that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is closing down the secretive NERD Fund without disclosing its donors, questions remain as to WHY he is keeping the donors secret. Considering that Charlie Secchia is the fund’s president, it’s possible […]

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Michigan Gov. Snyder closing NERD slushfund, donors still a secret – UPDATED

Michigan Gov. Snyder closing NERD slushfund, donors still a secret – UPDATED

If it was such a good thing, why hide the donors? [Caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog] WXYZ is reporting that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is closing the shadowy, secretive slush fund — the “NERD Fund” — that was used, until last week, to pay the salary of his confidant and advisor Richard Baird, as […]

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Gov. Rick Snyder: “We wouldn’t have all this obstruction and political fighting if we’d just elect all Republicans”

Gov. Rick Snyder: “We wouldn’t have all this obstruction and political fighting if we’d just elect all Republicans”

It’s all so much easier to govern when you stack the deck [Caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog] This whole Republican shutdown thing is just so frustrating to Michigan governor Rick Snyder. Thing is, he has the solution. What’s amazing is how simple it is: Elect huge Republican majorities in both houses of Congress and […]

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INTERVIEW: Mark Schauer, candidate for Michigan governor – “I will be a real partner to local communities”

INTERVIEW: Mark Schauer, candidate for Michigan governor – “I will be a real partner to local communities”

A hearty welcome to all of you joining us from GOP.com! I want to clear up a little misinformation you received from your Republican friends regarding rate increases in Michigan. Despite what they told you, the actual average increase in rates being asked for by health insurance companies is a scant 2.2%. Yes, some were higher but there were also […]

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Michigan House Democrats launch Republican Tax-O-Meter

Michigan House Democrats launch Republican Tax-O-Meter

Middle-class Michigan families can watch their taxes increase $50 every second. And they have Gov. Rick Snyder and legislative Republicans to thank for it. For a party that says they want lower taxes, Republicans in Michigan sure like taxing the middle class. During the last legislative session, Governor Rick Snyder and the Republican-led legislature made severe changes to the Michigan […]

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In Michigan, when it comes to attracting businesses: “We’re number 47! We’re number 47!”

In Michigan, when it comes to attracting businesses: “We’re number 47! We’re number 47!”

So proud If you listen to the ad the Michigan Governor Rick Snyder recently released, an authoritarian narrator informs you that Michigan was once number 50. Dead last. He doesn’t actually tell you what we were last at but it’s clear that we were just the bottom of the barrel, the ole Mitten State. “Never again”, says the narrator. Governor […]

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“Stay tuned” – Rick Snyder non-announces his candidacy for governor, goes full nerd

“Stay tuned” – Rick Snyder non-announces his candidacy for governor, goes full nerd

Dude, we KNOW the difference between a nerd and a corporatist [Caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog] Rick Snyder has begun his campaign to remain governor of Michigan with a new website, a new video, and repeated statements that he hasn’t announced his candidacy. A website and Twitter and Facebook accounts used by the campaign […]

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Snyder scores coveted Birther endorsement, top aide accused of illegal lobbying

Snyder scores coveted Birther endorsement, top aide accused of illegal lobbying

You’re on a roll, Governor Snyder [Caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog] Governor Snyder has scored the coveted Birther endorsement with this tweet last night from Donald Trump: Michigan has made great progress under Snyder-Calley. @MIGOP is out early energizing the grassroots. Keep it up! #JoinMITeam — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 16, 2013 Every […]

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Democratic Governors Association targets Rick Snyder and his lies in new ad

Democratic Governors Association targets Rick Snyder and his lies in new ad

Strike three, governor. You are out. Rick Snyder got some good news in polling this week with an EPIC-MRA poll showing him up eight points, 44-36, over Democrat Mark Schauer. This is a big swing from the 39-38 result from last spring but not entirely unexpected given Snyder’s attempts to seem reasonable and moderate by signing Medicaid expansion into law. […]

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Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signs Medicaid expansion into law

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signs Medicaid expansion into law

It’s a great deal. But it could have been even better. Don’t get me wrong. I’m elated that Medicaid expansion is finally the law in Michigan after an official signing ceremony with Governor Rick Snyder today. I just wish the actual benefits would start sooner. The good news is that nearly half a million Michigan residents will now have access […]

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VIDEO: Snyder administration officials seek to avoid subpoenas and testimony in Detroit bankruptcy

VIDEO: Snyder administration officials seek to avoid subpoenas and testimony in Detroit bankruptcy

Pay no attention to the hypocrite behind the curtain [Caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog] Last Friday the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) union issued subpoenas for Governor Rick Snyder, Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr, Michigan treasurer Andy Dillon, and “transformation manager” Richard Baird, compelling their testimony regarding the Snyder administration’s […]

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