Tag: Rick Snyder

Gov Snyder’s “dashboard” gives a THUMBS UP to lower GDP (and other “mistakes”)

Gov Snyder’s “dashboard” gives a THUMBS UP to lower GDP (and other “mistakes”)

Metrics, schmetrics. Did they think we wouldn’t notice??? Governor Snyder is takes great pride in his reliance on transparency and metrics as indicators of his “success” as the leader CEO of our state. His “dashboard” is supposedly a way for the citizens of our fine state to keep an eye on his “progress”. However, looking at his dashboard today, it’s […]

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Federal judge halts all lawsuits to stop Detroit bankruptcy + Gov. Snyder’s brilliance in the sequence of events

Federal judge halts all lawsuits to stop Detroit bankruptcy + Gov. Snyder’s brilliance in the sequence of events

The skids are greased [Caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog] It what can only be described as a clean sweep for Governor Rick Snyder and Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr, a federal judge halted three separate lawsuits filed in state courts attempting to stop Snyder and Orr from taking Detroit through a bankruptcy. The argument […]

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Federal judge will decide fate of Detroit’s bankruptcy filing on Wednesday + more Emergency Manager news

Federal judge will decide fate of Detroit’s bankruptcy filing on Wednesday + more Emergency Manager news

Stuff’s about to get real… Photo by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog A federal judge will determine on Wednesday morning if Detroit’s bankruptcy filing is a violation of the state constitution which protects public employee pensions. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes has declared that his court has the authority to rule on a dispute between the city’s pension funds […]

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Senate Republicans fail Michigan by not voting on Medicaid expansion

They didn’t just fail to vote. They failed the people they were elected to represent. I’m sick, absolutely sick to my stomach that Republicans in the Michigan Senate refused to hold an up or down vote on Medicaid expansion before adjourning for a two-month recess. Good thing I’m not one of the hundreds of thousands of residents who were counting […]

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Snyder aide denied use of executive privilege, judge laughs at use of Nixon precedent, Schauer calls for release of NERD donors

Snyder aide denied use of executive privilege, judge laughs at use of Nixon precedent, Schauer calls for release of NERD donors

Wow, they are getting seriously desperate As I have written about before, Governor Rick Snyder has a pal of his working in the office next to his. Rich Baird is not paid by the taxpayers of Michigan. He’s paid out of Governor Snyder’s New Energy to Reinvent and Diversify Fund (NERD). This slush fund is financed by undisclosed corporate donors, […]

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Tea Party activists turn against Michigan Gov. Snyder for supporting Medicaid expansion

Tea Party activists turn against Michigan Gov. Snyder for supporting Medicaid expansion

An open letter urges conservatives to “sit out” Governor Rick Snyder’s re-election campaign. That’s how much the Michigan Tea Party hates Obamacare. They’d sabotage the Republican Governor’s chances of winning re-election to prove a point. They published an open letter today railing against Gov. Snyder’s continued efforts to convince the Michigan legislature to accept Medicaid expansion. Never mind the fact […]

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Governor Snyder’s lack of transparency, questionable business arrangements, & hidden deals begin to see the light of day

Governor Snyder’s lack of transparency, questionable business arrangements, & hidden deals begin to see the light of day

The edifice begins to crumble I was on the the Night Shift with Tony Trupiano Show last night talking about Governor Rick Snyder relentlessly flouting the law in the hiring of Detroit Emergency Manger Kevyn Orr. Tony brought a Detroit Free Press op-ed to my attention that I hadn’t seen and which is a must-read, in my opinion. Titled “It’s […]

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UPDATED: More outrageous deception & secrecy in the Snyder administration featuring: Gov. Rick Snyder!

UPDATED: More outrageous deception & secrecy in the Snyder administration featuring: Gov. Rick Snyder!

You don’t know what you don’t know. That’s the problem.

NOTE: This post has an important update that I urge you to read (after the jump.)

It’s no secret that much of what happens in the Snyder administration regarding Emergency Managers and school funding/operations is secret. WDIV’s Kevin Dietz is reporting on more evidence that has been uncovered and this one is a real doozy. Based on emails procured through a lawsuit filed by Detroit activist Robert Davis, Dietz reports that the governor and Detroit Mayor Dave Bing were discussing who Detroit’s Emergency Manager would be long before any of it was public. They arranged for an office staffer to serve as a go-between in their correspondence, passing messages back and forth through a private email account so that the emails wouldn’t reside on state government servers.

Details with video after the jump.

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If Jan Brewer can fight for Medicaid expansion, so can Rick Snyder

If Jan Brewer can fight for Medicaid expansion, so can Rick Snyder

It’s time for Governor Snyder to prove the “tough” part of his self-proclaimed “one tough nerd” persona. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has famously done her share of finger-pointing at President Obama and his policies. But despite her vocal opposition to nearly everything the President stands for, Gov. Brewer has fully embraced Medicaid expansion. It’s the right thing to do for […]

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What does the Michigan GOP have against Medicaid expansion?

What does the Michigan GOP have against Medicaid expansion?

It’s a one-word answer: Obamacare. Republicans who oppose Obamacare just don’t want to say “yes” to anything related to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Medicaid expansion is part of the ACA, but the U.S. Supreme Court left the decision to accept Medicaid expansion up to the states. And Michigan is among those with Republican-controlled legislatures that are fighting against Medicaid […]

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Another day, another poll showing that pretty much nobody likes Michigan Governor Rick Snyder

Another day, another poll showing that pretty much nobody likes Michigan Governor Rick Snyder

You know who REALLY likes Rick Snyder? Nobody.

Rick Snyder has given numerous signals that he intends to run for a second term as the Nerd in Chief of Michigan. The problem is that not only do Democrats despise him, he’s wildly unpopular among Republicans, too. He’s especially hated by the far-right tea party element of the GOP.

A Lambert, Edwards & Associates poll out last week conducted by Denno Research tells the tale. Details on that and more after the jump.

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