Tag: Rick Snyder

It’s official: half of Michigan African Americans will go without democratically-elected local government

It’s official: half of Michigan African Americans will go without democratically-elected local government

How do you build a city up armed only with implements of destruction?

This afternoon, Governor Rick Snyder announced that he will appoint an Emergency Financial Manager for Detroit calling it a “sad day” that he wished “had never happened in the history of Detroit”. As I have already detailed in a post that has been cited by MSNBC and Huffington Post among others, this will result in 49% of the African Americans in Michigan being without a democratically-elected government.

Click through for more.

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Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s poll numbers continue to sink like a rock

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s poll numbers continue to sink like a rock

Let’s see if we can keep this trend going, shall we?

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is beginning to pay the true price for his attacks on Michigan families and workers. In an EPIC-MRA poll released this week, the percentage of Michiganders giving him a positive job approval rating has dropped from 51% to a mere 36% and, more importantly, the number giving him a negative job approval rating has jumped 16 points from 32% to 48%.

Details after the jump.

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Think electoral vote distribution-related election rigging is over in Michigan? It’s not.

Think electoral vote distribution-related election rigging is over in Michigan? It’s not.

Do NOT trust Michigan Republicans on this

There are reports all over the internet saying that the Republican plan to change how electoral votes are assigned in order to exploit their insidious gerrymandering of Congressional districts is dead in the water in Michigan.

It’s not.

The reports about the death of this scheme, which is basically a billboard saying: “Welcome to the Michigan Republican Party where we can’t win elections unless we cheat”, are based on comments made by both Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and Governor Rick Snyder. But, as I pointed out earlier this week, both Richardville and Snyder said nearly the exact same words regarding making Michigan a Right to Work state only to turn around and jam it through in less than a week during the inflamed duck session.

More after the jump.

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Gov Snyder changes his tune (again) on Right to Work & says election rigging is about timing, not what’s right

Gov Snyder changes his tune (again) on Right to Work & says election rigging is about timing, not what’s right

The answer depends on who’s asking the question

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was on Bloomberg News this week to deliver an upbeat, cheerleading assessment of our state that had him reversing his opinion on the economic benefits of Right to Work. Where last we he said, “Over 90 percent of the jobs that you’re looking at aren’t going to be in a situation where right to work is even relevant…Let’s keep in mind what the economy is really about”, on Bloomberg, he changed his mind. Again.

Details on this and more after the jump.

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Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signs one abortion bill, vetoes another

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signs one abortion bill, vetoes another

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has vetoed SB 1293, a bill that would have overhauled Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and which contained a provision that would have required women to purchase a separate insurance rider that would cover abortions. A second bill, SB 1294 contained a provision requiring this for BCBS insurance, as well. Since 1294 was tie-barred to […]

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Congressmen Conyers, Clarke, and Peters request answers from Governor Snyder regarding their proposed Detroit Consent Agreement

In a comprehensive and sternly-worded letter to Governor Rick Snyder (pdf), Congressmen John Conyers, Jr., Hansen Clarke, and Gary Peters are asking for some answers regarding his administration’s proposed Detroit Consent Agreement. The letter focuses on seven key areas: Failure of State to Provide Any Financial AssistanceGovernor Snyder is asked to explain why, unlike in other struggling cities across the […]

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Snyder administration denied appeal on prohibition against signing Consent Agreement with Detroit

Snyder administration denied appeal on prohibition against signing Consent Agreement with Detroit

Ouch. That’ll leave a mark. My favorite Michigan judge at the moment, Ingham County Judge William Collette, today issued yet another spanking to the administration of Governor Rick Snyder. The Snyder administration appealed a ruling made an earlier this week barring them from signing a Consent Agreement with Detroit until after a March 29th hearing. That hearing has been postponed […]

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Michigan judge bars Snyder administration from signing Detroit Consent Agreement – for now

Michigan judge bars Snyder administration from signing Detroit Consent Agreement – for now

Can’t win for losin’… The Snyder administration was handed another in a long list of legal setbacks today as my now-favorite judge, Ingham Country Judge William Collette, smacked them down again. Recall that Judge Collette had already issued a mighty smackdown to the Detroit Emergency Manager Review Team earlier in the month: An Ingham County judge this afternoon ordered all […]

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Michigan Rising to submit Snyder recall petition language this week

Michigan Rising to submit Snyder recall petition language this week

Let’s try that again, shall we? Inspired by the success of Wisconsin Democrats (though lacking the support of the state-level Democratic Party), Michigan Rising is gearing up to take another shot at recalling Michigan Governor Rick Snyder: During our last petition drive to recall Rick Snyder we collected nearly 500, 000 signatures. We did this with very little material support, […]

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Petition language for collective bargaining amendment approved, Snyder warns unions not to move forward

Petition language for collective bargaining amendment approved, Snyder warns unions not to move forward

Warning! Warning, Will Robinson! Today, language for three different petition drives to add amendments to the Michigan constitution received the okay from the state elections panel. One would give home health care workers collective bargaining rights. Another would add specific phrases from the Declaration of Independence to the state Constitution. The third is the petition for the Protect Our Jobs […]

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The artlessness of the Snyder administration’s approach to imposing Emergency Managers

The artlessness of the Snyder administration’s approach to imposing Emergency Managers

You don’t have to be a jerk about it Last spring when I published exclusive audio of Benton Harbor Emergency Manager Joe Harris talking about crushing the unions, I was shocked at what he said and, more to the point, how he said it: So, I’ve laid off twenty-five people. I’ve laid off nine police officers. I’ve laid off four […]

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