Tag: taxes

The tax timebomb that explodes in Michigan in 2012 is MUCH worse than you thought

The tax timebomb that explodes in Michigan in 2012 is MUCH worse than you thought

The GOP finally finds a good tax: on the poor As bad as things are right now in Michigan, they are about to get so much worse that I fear there is a genuine risk of the types of riots we haven’t seen since the 60s & 70s in my state. If you think we have too many failing schools […]

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State Rep. Mark Ouimet whitewashes new tax on pensions

State Rep. Mark Ouimet whitewashes new tax on pensions

GOP supports tax hikes? Only on the 99% A couple of weeks ago, my state representative Mark Ouimet posted an op-ed at Heritage.com titled “New plan treats income of retirees just like that of working seniors”. In his piece, he whitewashes a new tax on pensions that will adversely impact a significant number of our state’s seniors. The plan is […]

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Mich Supreme Court: Okay to tax seniors’ pensions but not raise taxes on the wealthy

The Detroit Free Press characterizes a move by the Michigan Supreme Court as a “victory” for Governor Rick Snyder. The reality is that it is a solid defeat for the 99% and a “victory” for the 1%. The Michigan Supremes basically said it’s okay to tax seniors’ pensions but not okay to raise taxes on the 1%. A divided Michigan […]

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Cain’s 9-9-9 tax scheme: a MASSIVE tax cut for the wealthy

Cain’s 9-9-9 tax scheme: a MASSIVE tax cut for the wealthy

There’s been a lot of talk lately about Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan (or 9-0-9 for po’ foke.) It’s not only a regressive tax that disproportionately impacts poor people, it’s also a MASSIVE give-away to the very, very rich. That weird looking thing to the right of this text is a graph of whose taxes go up and whose taxes go […]

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If we lower corporate taxes, corporations will lower prices and hire more. Right? RIGHT?!

If we lower corporate taxes, corporations will lower prices and hire more. Right? RIGHT?!

Wrong. U.S. airlines led by United Continental Holdings Inc. (UAL) may pocket $1.3 billion in higher fares tied to the Federal Aviation Administration’s partial shutdown as Congress deadlocks on the agency’s funding. The FAA already has been unable to collect $28.6 million a day in aviation taxes since midnight on July 22. Missed receipts may climb by $1 billion if […]

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Freedom Taxes

Freedom Taxes

I love this image that I nicked from the Maddow Blog: When did we become such a selfish, self-loathing, uncaring, unsharing society that the idea of paying taxes to support our enviable way of life was something to be scorned, cursed and eradicated? Massive tax breaks for the oil industry companies which are literally making more money than any other […]

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Apparently it’s not raining inside the Michigan Governor’s mansion

Apparently it’s not raining inside the Michigan Governor’s mansion

Michigan got some good news this week. LANSING — A healthier Michigan economy is churning more tax revenue than was expected and will produce a $429-million windfall for the state this fiscal year, economists agreed Monday. Another $234 million in extra revenue was predicted for 2012… That’s terrific, eh? I mean, honestly, fewer states could use it more than Michigan […]

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Gov. Snyder won’t commit to using higher-than-expected tax revenues for kids

The good news is that Michigan’s tax revenues this year may actually be a half billion dollars higher than was previously predicted. The bad news is, rather than offsetting some of the $470-per-pupil funding cut Governor Snyder proposes in his budget with the windfall, he wants to save it. “I don’t want to speculate on us having more dollars,” Snyder […]

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Eric Cantor is so out of touch he doesn’t even know when tax day is

Fer cryin’ out loud, I thought these guys were tax freaks? House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a guy who steeps himself in tea party rhetoric with every breath and oozes tea from ever pore, is, apparently, so completely out of touch with the everyday lives of average Americans that he doesn’t even know when Tax Day is this year. Leader […]

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Michigan Republicans score a win against their own governor, protect senior and tea party vote

There’s more to this than meets the eye. Snyder, Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and House Speaker Jase Bolger are expected to confirm a compromise that would phase in Snyder’s proposed tax on pensions and delay by one year a scheduled decrease in the income tax. The proposed deal would phase in the planned income tax for public and private […]

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