Tag: Terri Lynn Land

Third poll this week has outstanding news for Michigan Democrats, Schauer up by 2.2 points over Snyder

Third poll this week has outstanding news for Michigan Democrats, Schauer up by 2.2 points over Snyder

It’s been a terrific week of polling for Michigan Democrats. I’ve written about two polls (HERE and HERE) that statistical ties for Mark Schauer and Mark Totten with Gary Peters pulling away from Terri Lynn Land. Yesterday, a USA Today poll conducted by Suffolk University gives even better news. Here’s the synopsis: Mark Schauer leads Rick Snyder for Governor by […]

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As Terri Lynn Land’s failed campaign draws national scrutiny, Gary Peters releases a second positive ad

As Terri Lynn Land’s failed campaign draws national scrutiny, Gary Peters releases a second positive ad

This week was brutal for the U.S. Senate campaign of Terri Lynn Land. There were two articles put out by national media outlets detailing the implosion of her campaign, both of which came out at the same time a new poll has Peters now up by double digits. Both articles appear to redefine the word “lackluster” to mean “utterly and […]

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NEW POLL: After 30 years in office Schuette’s favorable rating only 17.2% and other good news for Michigan Dems

NEW POLL: After 30 years in office Schuette’s favorable rating only 17.2% and other good news for Michigan Dems

Mark Totten, photo by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog Yesterday I reported on new polling numbers show great gains by Michigan Democrats. Another new poll out this morning by Detroit News-WDIV (Local 4) confirms those numbers. (Cross-tabs are HERE.) The race for Attorney General continues to be surprisingly competitive and shows how weak a candidate Bill Schuette is. Schuette […]

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New poll shows Attorney General Bill Schuette is beatable, Gov. Snyder is in trouble, and Terri Lynn Land is history

New poll shows Attorney General Bill Schuette is beatable, Gov. Snyder is in trouble, and Terri Lynn Land is history

Mark Totten, photo by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog A new poll out by PPP has some terrific news for Democrats. Mark Schauer is still in a statistical dead heat with Governor Rick Snyder, down just a single point – 42-43%. Snyder is under water with respect to his favorability with 51% of those polled holding viewing him unfavorably […]

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Gary Peters debates an empty chair after Land is a no-show (and other news)

Gary Peters debates an empty chair after Land is a no-show (and other news)

Last night, Gary Peters appeared at the location for a proposed WOOD-TV debate with Terri Lynn Land. Because Land declined to share the stage with Peters, he debated an empty chair: There was no debate Monday night for the U.S. Senate race. U.S. Rep. Gary Peters stood next to an empty chair representing his Republican opponent, former Secretary of State […]

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The Politics of Debating: Why Michigan’s political dysfunction continues to make YOU work harder

The Politics of Debating: Why Michigan’s political dysfunction continues to make YOU work harder

Politics have many unofficial rules and philosophies that have been followed for years. Pundits of all political persuasions sometimes use these “excuses” to strengthen their point of view, or to protect their party’s candidate and to justify inconvenient truth(s). One such inconvenient truth is that incumbents for office, like Governor, for example, don’t need to debate their opponent. The conventional […]

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Detroit residents invite Terri Lynn Land to spend a day in the polluted environment her benefactors help create

Detroit residents invite Terri Lynn Land to spend a day in the polluted environment her benefactors help create

Yesterday, residents of the Detroit zip code 48217 held a press conference where they invited U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land to spend a day in their community to “enjoy” the polluted environment they live in every day. It’s polluted largely because those supporting Land’s failed candidacy have polluted it; groups like Koch Carbon and Marathon Oil. They want Land […]

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BREAKING: Michigan Democratic Party files FEC complaint over Terri Lynn Land’s monster campaign trucks

BREAKING: Michigan Democratic Party files FEC complaint over Terri Lynn Land’s monster campaign trucks

When I first posted about the humongous truck used by Terri Lynn Land’s campaign to tote around a campaign sign in a post titled “Terri Lynn Land’s campaign is a visible demonstration of waste & excess with a $100K truck that gets 8 mpg”, most people didn’t realize that she has not one, but TWO of these trucks. As I […]

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WOOD-TV cancels debate between Gary Peters & Terri Lynn Land due to Land’s lack of cooperation

WOOD-TV cancels debate between Gary Peters & Terri Lynn Land due to Land’s lack of cooperation

A planned September 8th U.S. Senate debate to be hosted by WOOD-TV has been cancelled after Terri Lynn Land and her campaign staff failed to cooperate in setting it up. From the Peters campaign: WOOD-TV is canceling its proposed September 8th U.S. Senate debate because the Land campaign refused to coordinate with organizers. In response, Peters for Michigan Debate Negotiator, […]

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VIDEO: Want to go see Terri Lynn Land speak without an invite? Good luck with that. Here’s what it looks like.

VIDEO: Want to go see Terri Lynn Land speak without an invite? Good luck with that. Here’s what it looks like.

Not much to add to this except that Terri Lynn Land and her handlers are very clearly petrified that someone might get a video of her speaking in public because we all know how well THAT usually goes. No wonder staffers from a Koch brothers front group are saying, “Michigan is a state that’s basically an uphill climb honestly.” Uphill […]

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Terri Lynn Land embraces tea party’s “Force States to Raise Gas Taxes on Themselves to Fix Roads Act”

Terri Lynn Land embraces tea party’s “Force States to Raise Gas Taxes on Themselves to Fix Roads Act”

Back in February, “Crazy Kerry” Bentivolio published an op-ed in the Detroit Free Press expressing his strong support for something called the “Transportation Empowerment Act” (TEA), legislation sponsored by ardent Tea Party Caucus members Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and Representative Tom Graves (R-GA). The TEA would do the following: Grant “all authority regarding federal highway and transit programs to the […]

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