Tag: Terri Lynn Land

New Gary Peters ad focuses on his strong Michigan roots and accomplishments

New Gary Peters ad focuses on his strong Michigan roots and accomplishments

As we enter the so-called “silly season” of political campaigning in the run-up to the general elections, the airwaves are being bombarded with negative ads. Terri Lynn Land and her conservative/corporatist supporters have spent $10 million on ads attacking Congressman Gary Peters, many of which have been debunked by national fact checking groups. Land, who is behind in 16 recent […]

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UPDATED: You know that gas-swilling behemoth of a campaign truck driven by Terri Lynn Land? She has TWO of them!

UPDATED: You know that gas-swilling behemoth of a campaign truck driven by Terri Lynn Land? She has TWO of them!

Last week I wrote a post titled “Terri Lynn Land’s campaign is a visible demonstration of waste & excess with a $100K truck that gets 8 mpg” about the monstrous, gas-guzzling truck Terri Lynn Land has been driving around the state in. The truck gets less than 10 mpg and retailed for over $100,000. The outrage at the fact that […]

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Terri Lynn Land paid less than 3% in taxes 2012 & 2013, Gary Peters paid 18% or more

Terri Lynn Land paid less than 3% in taxes 2012 & 2013, Gary Peters paid 18% or more

In 2011, Gary Peters had an effective tax rate of 18.6%. In 2012 it was 18.9% and in 2013 it was 18%. Over that same time period, Terri Lynn Land paid 2.7% (2012) and 2.2% (2013.) Land says her absurdly (and questionably) low rate is due to her charitable donations. In 2013 she claimed charitable deductions of $44,865 on an […]

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Terri Lynn Land’s campaign is a visible demonstration of waste & excess with a $100K truck that gets 8 mpg

Terri Lynn Land’s campaign is a visible demonstration of waste & excess with a $100K truck that gets 8 mpg

NOTE: this post has been updated HERE. Terri Lynn Land’s website has a page titled “Energy Policy”. On that page, she talks about how things used to be so wonderful in the USA because we had stable energy sources but now those days are behind us. She lists three “Solutions” to this problem. The first one is “Respect the Environment.” […]

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Proof of Terri Lynn Land’s lies about the source of her wealth continue to roll out

Proof of Terri Lynn Land’s lies about the source of her wealth continue to roll out

Chad Selweski of the Macomb Daily News has more revelations regarding Terri Lynn Land’s lies about the source of her immense wealth that has allowed her to dump millions of dollars of her own money into her increasingly failed campaign: Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land’s claim that she is a small business owner, not part of the lucrative Land & […]

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While Gary Peters voted yesterday with his first-time voter daughter, Terri Lynn Land was “unavailable”

While Gary Peters voted yesterday with his first-time voter daughter, Terri Lynn Land was “unavailable”

Yesterday morning, Congressman Gary Peters went to the polls to vote in Michigan’s primary election. With him was his daughter Maddy. Maddy was voting for the first time having recently turned 18. Peters ran unopposed in his bid for the U.S. Senate. WJRT spent the day with Peters and was there when the father and daughter did their civic duty […]

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Koch family (not just the brothers) max out on contributions to Terri Lynn Land

Koch family (not just the brothers) max out on contributions to Terri Lynn Land

There’s no question that Terri Lynn Land is getting a big, wet money kiss from David and Charles Koch, the infamous “Koch brothers”. Through their corporatist front groups Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, the two billionaires have spent nearly $5 million attacking Land’s Democratic opponent Gary Peters. Some have suggested it’s payback for Peters having the […]

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Terri Lynn Land files amended financial statement that fails to explain source of her self-funding cash

Terri Lynn Land files amended financial statement that fails to explain source of her self-funding cash

After multiple reports of campaign finance irregularities and complaints filed by the Michigan Democratic Party, Terri Lynn Land finally got around to filing amended financial disclosure forms today. However, even after doing so, the source of the nearly $3 million she has given to her own campaign remains a mystery: U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land filed a correction to […]

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Michigan Dems call for two investigations into Terri Lynn Land’s violation of federal & state campaign finance laws

Michigan Dems call for two investigations into Terri Lynn Land’s violation of federal & state campaign finance laws

Pressure is mounting for Terri Lynn Land to come clean about her potential violations of federal and state campaign finance laws. Land is one of the top self-funded politicians in the country — she has dumped nearly $3 million of her own money into her campaign coffers — yet she has not reported assets in financial disclosure statements that indicate […]

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Terri Lynn Land to file amended financial disclosure statement after “forgetting” a bank account with millions of dollars in it

Terri Lynn Land to file amended financial disclosure statement after “forgetting” a bank account with millions of dollars in it

Really, Terri??? [This post has been updated HERE.] A week after the Detroit Free Press reported that Terri Lynn Land has made nearly $3 million worth of donations to her own campaign while filing tax returns that show no such funds available, Land is finally getting around to saying that she’s finally going to get around to obeying federal election […]

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Terri Lynn Land, one of the biggest self-funders in the land, wants you to think she’s just a simple small business owner

Terri Lynn Land, one of the biggest self-funders in the land, wants you to think she’s just a simple small business owner

In 2011 Terri Lynn Land bought an apartment complex from “Land & Co.” for a bit under a million bucks. This was a small investment to allow her to claim to be a small business owner and not part of Land & Co. itself, the “family business” she repeatedly touts in her campaign speeches and ads to prove her business […]

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