Tag: Things That Make You Go Hmmm

The Shepard Fairey “HOPE” Poster

The Shepard Fairey “HOPE” Poster

The image on the left is the photograph that was used by street-artist-turned-gazillionaire-artist, Shepard Fairey, to create the iconic HOPE and PROGRESS posters seen by nearly everyone during the campaign. He sold over 500,000 posters during the campaign and basically saw his career being made by it. What blows my mind is that the man who took the original photograph, […]

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Okay, This is Creepy

Okay, This is Creepy

I was checking my insurance claim on Progressive Insurance’s website for the car bonfire I had last week. We’ve only had one other claim with them; last year my wife was run off the road by an idiot SUV driver going too fast for the snowy conditions. Here’s the claim history for our household: Take a look at the dates. […]

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The Very Interesting Toilets of Europe

The Very Interesting Toilets of Europe

Okay, I don’t claim this to be an exhaustive review of all the interesting toilets in Europe. It’s not. It’s actually just about two specific ones I saw that made me giggle. The first thing you need to know, if you haven’t spent any time in Europe, is that Europeans generally refer to what Americans call “restrooms” or “bathrooms” as […]

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A Greater Truth Never Written

Not surprisingly, it’s written by The Onion: Everybody has this image of “crazy Christians” based on what they hear in the media, but it’s just not true. Most Christians are normal, decent folks. We don’t all blindly follow a bunch of outdated biblical tenets or go all fanatical about every bit of dogma. What I’m trying to say is, don’t […]

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Presidential Question

Question: What do Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have in common? These are five of the last six presidents (including President-Elect Obama). Answer: pǝpuɐɥ-ʇɟǝl llɐ ǝɹǝʍ ʎǝɥʇ Notice anyone missing? I’m just sayin’…

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WSJ: Non-Christians Have Ruined the Economy

I’ve read and re-read this editorial column by Daniel Henninger and the only synopsis I can come up with is simply that, according to him, “Non-Christians Have Ruined the Economy”. Henninger, a Pulitzer Prize-winning deputy editor for the Wall Street Journal‘s editorial page, in a bizarrely convoluted series of steps, links the move away from saying “”Merry Christmas” to the […]

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Funniest Thing I’ve Read in a LOOONG Time

This is pure brilliance. It’s so absolutely absurd that, if it weren’t serious, it would be nothing but total satire. But the thing is, the guy that wrote the following piece of…of… Jesus, I don’t even know what to call it… was being serious. Obama thinks he is a good talker, but he is often undisciplined when he speaks. He […]

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The Electoral College Makes Things Interesting

The Electoral College Makes Things Interesting

48 states plus Washington, D.C. are winner take all. So, you could have all of them by winning each one by one vote. That’s 49 votes. Maine and Nebraska have two and three Congressional districts, respectively. Their system is that there’s one electoral vote for each district and two more for the overall winner of the state so you’d need […]

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WhaaaaZop?!?!?! – Change

First there was this: Then there was this: Wazzzup, indeed. Change. I’m just sayin’…

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A Sane Alternative to the Bailout Plan?

Have you seen this email? Hi Pals, I’m against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG. Instead, I’m in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a We Deserve It Dividend. To make the math simple, let’s assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+. Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and child. So 200,000,000 might be a […]

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Fish Just HATE Hurricanes!

Fish Just HATE Hurricanes!

Fish left stranded in a chainlink fence after Hurricane Ike left the area. Poor li’l dudes. I’m just sayin’…

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