Tag: unions

New website UnionsWork.us shows how unions help ALL workers and fight income inequality

New website UnionsWork.us shows how unions help ALL workers and fight income inequality

It’s not going too far to say that American workers everywhere benefit on an ongoing basis from the hard work labor unions have done over the past several decades. I work at a non-union company that treats its employees very well. They compete for talent with other companies, including union shops, and this encourages them to do right by us, […]

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GUEST POST – Oops: Public forgets to hate public employees

GUEST POST – Oops: Public forgets to hate public employees

They think their pensions are OK, too This guest post is by Roger Kerson, a Michigan-based media consultant for labor unions, environmental groups, and non-profit organizations. He was director of public relations at the United Auto Workers during the GM and Chrysler restructuring. As an associate of the Arlington, Virginia-based firm PRWRK, he has provided strategic counsel to the Transport […]

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Lawsuit to strike down Michigan’s Right to Work law filed in federal court

Lawsuit to strike down Michigan’s Right to Work law filed in federal court

This isn’t over, not by a long shot

On the heels of a lawsuit filed recently in the Ingham County District Court challenging the constitutionality of Michigan’s new Right to Work law, a coalition of unions has filed a similar lawsuit in federal court. The suit, which was filed in U.S. District Court in Detroit and assigned to Judge Stephen Murphy, claims that the law violates the rights of private sector union members who are covered under federal law rather than the laws of the state of Michigan.

Details after the jump.

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Michigan leaders weigh in on what our state should do to attract jobs (hint: it ain’t “lower taxes & bust unions”)

Michigan leaders weigh in on what our state should do to attract jobs (hint: it ain’t “lower taxes & bust unions”)

Wait, I thought Gov. Snyder was a businessman…

A recent study by the Michigan Economic Center asked over 3000 representatives from businesses, nonprofits, and governmental organizations what things Michigan needs to do to attract more business investment in our state. If you listen to Michigan Republicans, including our governor, their answer is “lower taxes and bust unions”.

They might wish to ask the people who actually DO business in this state what they think. “Lower taxes” isn’t even close to the top.

Follow me over the jump for details.

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Tomorrow’s rally at the Michigan Capitol Building is going to be HUGE. Seriously, check this out. (And other news.)

Tomorrow’s rally at the Michigan Capitol Building is going to be HUGE. Seriously, check this out. (And other news.)

Damn, son.

Think tomorrow’s rally at the Michigan Capitol Building in Lansing is going to be HUGE. Don’t believe me? The Michigan State Police do. Check out this photo posted up at the Maddow Blog:

Much more after the jump.

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Wisconsin anti-union group helping fund Right to Work for Less drive in Michigan

Wisconsin anti-union group helping fund Right to Work for Less drive in Michigan

Coming soon to a state near you

Lee Fang over at The Nation has a great piece up titled “Pro–’Right to Work’ Groups In Michigan Outspend Union Counterparts”. In it, he shows how anti-union groups are dramatically outspending pro-union anti-Right to Work for Less groups in Michigan.

Details on this and so much more after the jump.

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Wisconsin iron workers to join Michigan rally against Right to Work on Tuesday

Wisconsin iron workers to join Michigan rally against Right to Work on Tuesday

You wouldn’t understand — It’s a solidarity thing.

When opponents of the drive to make Michigan a Right to Work for Less state rally at the State Capitol Building on Tuesday, they will be joined by some of their brothers and sisters from Wisconsin.

Details after the jump.

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Wear Red Monday – Show your solidarity with the workers of Michigan

Wear Red Monday – Show your solidarity with the workers of Michigan


From our friends at Working Michigan:

Details and a larger version of the graphic after the jump.

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UPDATED: As more groups sign on to Tuesday’s Lansing rally, conservative groups reserve Capitol steps to thwart them

UPDATED: As more groups sign on to Tuesday’s Lansing rally, conservative groups reserve Capitol steps to thwart them

This should be interesting

Next week, the state legislature reconvenes on Tuesday. When they get to work that morning, they will be greeted by thousands of outraged Michiganders who are there to let these lawmakers know that the Right to Work for Less legislation — or Right to Freeload as some are calling it — it an afront to the citizens of the birthplace of labor unions.

I wrote yesterday about the involvement in the rally as well as that of Planned Parenthood. Now, with other groups signing on, we learn that conservative groups have reserved the Capitol Building grounds in an effort to stop their rally.

Details and more after the jump.

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Major RALLY at Michigan State Capitol Building NEXT TUESDAY + other ACTIONS!

Major RALLY at Michigan State Capitol Building NEXT TUESDAY + other ACTIONS!

Be there or … hell with that, just BE THERE!

There will be a HUGE rally at the State Capitol Building in Lansing on Tuesday, November 11. Labor groups, progressive allies and Planned Parenthood are teaming up to demonstrate a show of solidarity unlike any we’ve seen yet.

Details and more after the jump.

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Michigan: When Plutocrats Rule

Michigan: When Plutocrats Rule

It’s time for ACTION!

I have a piece up today at the AFL-CIO NOW blog that discusses the travesty that happened at the state capitol yesterday. I wanted to expand on a couple of things that I discussed there. Mainly, that the Republicans, including Governor Rick Snyder are complete and utter hypocrites on the topic of unions and union-crushing Right to Work for Less (RTWFL) laws.

Much more including how YOU can get involved after the jump.

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