Tag: WJR

More of Rush Limbaugh’s remarks re: making women using contraception post sex videos online

Here there be monsters As I wrote about yesterday, Rush Limbaugh has finally lost it and gone completely off the rails. He has suggested that women that use contraceptives paid for by their insurance companies post videos of themselves having sex so that all of us can watch. But you know what? That was actually only part it. Here are […]

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Will WJR continue to air Limbaugh after he says women who use contraception should post videos of their sex online?

The day after Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a “slut” for advocating for birth control, he doubled down today by saying all women who get free contraception through their health care should post videos of themselves having sex on the internet. Folks, if you ask ’em, if you ask ’em, the Washington, D.C. Department of Health will send you free […]

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